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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Tribute to my Grandma

My grandma passed away for the 7th day. She joined my grandpa who passed away 14 years ago at around this period also. By Chinese tradition, my grandma comes back today from the underworld to visit the family. I was busy at her funeral wake for the past week and it had finally come to a close today. For the next 49 days, there are still some taboos to observe, particularly because of the clash with the coming Chinese New Year.

When death occurs to your loved ones, there are many processes to take note and more often than not, we are unaware of what to do. When my grandpa passed away, I was too young to remember much but this time I was involved in much of the preparation. We had a big family and it was quite a grand affair.

My grand uncle took a few photos at the funeral with his P&S and I might be posting a few of the photos later. He was a photographer in his younger days having documented some of the older buildings in Singapore. I also got an uncle who is a wedding photographer. Guess my interest in photography runs in the family.

Many thanks to all who support me in difficult times

To my Grandma, Rest in Peace... We love you.