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Monday, January 7, 2008

A Different Look

The mood of a picture can change drastically with a little postprocessing. This was taken at the Pulau Ubin trip. The original picture was pretty blur due to handshake. I was in a rush to catch the moment while fumbling over my bag and squeezing under the umbrella with dear. The sharpness lost wasn't recoverable so i experimented with texturing. Finds that it make a blur image more appealing. My sister comment that it look nicer if the subjects were an old couple. I agreed. These 2 just can't make it. Wahaha! Kidding!

The settings were:
Canon 300D
Canon EF S 18-55mm f3.8-5.6
1/50th @ f5 @ ISO 100
Focal Length: 38mm
Flash: Did not fire

What i did in postprocessing(PS CS3 Extended):
1) Adjust Levels (Image>Adjustments>Levels)
2) Crop a bit to get rid of excess space
3) Add Texture (Filter>Texture>Texturizer)
4) Add Vignetting (Filter>Distort>Lens Correction)
5) Make Sephia (Image>Adjustments>Hue/Saturation)

I thought it would better to illustrate with the original image. The picture on the right is straight from the camera with watermark added and downsized for easier display.